Monday, 3 January 2011

Future Love

Can't help myself
I'm in love
And when I get back, from outer space
I'm gonna punch him in his face. <3 - Future Love
LOL. Lady Gaga is my idol. Gonna marry her one day. IT'LL HAPPEN!
On the topic of having love in the future, I was thinking today about what my ideal guy would be. And I genuinley have no idea. Does this mean that I'm not ready for love because I don't know what I want? Probably, but from what I've heard from people, love isn't something you choose to feel y'know
I've no idea what being in love feels like, the most I've probably felt is infatuation, and the extremest is probably lust. And in that sense, I've no experience at all, but that's the experience that matters I would guess in a committed relationship. I've no idea.
Sorry this was a ramble, these words just came straight out of my head onto the keyboard lol

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