Monday, 21 March 2011

Woe Is Me

So so SO badly. And I know we've all heard it before, but no use denying the fact I'm really REALLY into this guy.
So I should just go for it. Regardless of consequences. If he doesn't accept me for who I am, then he's not worth being friends or lovers with anyway.
It's not even that I just want to have sex with him. It's not that at all actually. I'm not saying I wouldn't want that eventually, but like the blokes in the photo, I just want to be more intimate with him. Be close and shit.
Christ this is really messing my head big style. It doesn't help that I see him practically everyday and we play this same flirty game (or so it seems in my mind) every single day.
I'm being a tad melodramatic about it in some ways. But it's not something for me to rush a decision for, I know that much. Maybe thinking that now might not be the best time to say anything. We'll see. Peace out dudes x


  1. It sounds to me like he is a little more than crushguy. I'm just starting to get over my own. Sexy bastard has a girlfriend now. It kills me.

  2. I will point out my own fallicies that at about your age I made stupid, irrational decisions, based on what I thought other people expected of me. so cut the guy some slack because he may not be in the same place as you, and if you push him, he's going to run. Also you may not be able to wait around for him to make up him mind, as it may take decades, and maybe a marriage to a woman. Just let him know your there for him when he feels that it's time.
