Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Recieved a text from Relationshippyguy this morning as soon as I woke up:-
"Hey i'm really sorry but I've met someone and we are serious. So I won't be able to see you again. Take care x"
Yep, that stung a bit. Not because I'm in love with him, cos I'm not. I mean, we hadn't seen each other since November so I can survive without it. What stings more, is that I'm crazy jealous of him. That he has a boyfriend now. An actual boyfriend. Crazy times. Well, not so crazy. Guess it was kind of a reality check for me.

Someone commented on the previous post saying I should back off Crushdude because he might not be in the same place as me. Totally get where this person's coming from. If he's mega unsure, me coming onto him won't help, and I don't want to screw around with his head about it all, especially around exam and deadline times when we both need as little stress as possible. I probably came across as self-centred in the previous post about him which isn't the case. I wouldn't ever intentionally screw him around about it or try and mess him up. Lordy lordy I have no idea. Likelihood is I'll end up doing nothing, regret it for a long time, forget about him, then meet him again and we'll end up having drunked blowjobs or something and it'll be mega awkward and we'll never speak again. Very soap opera of me.
Much love dudes x

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