Thursday, 10 February 2011

People/Crotch Watching

Sorry I've not posted for a few days; been CRAZY busy with assignments and interviews and all kinds of stressful shit, not had much time to focus on the sexy stuff lol
Was in London a couple of days ago and don't think I've ever seen so many hot people in the space of a day than I did that day. Seriously, I could have noshed off about 30/40 random blokes in the street that day! Pretty much all ages (minus the extremes), all races/ethnicities, literally a smorgasboard of sexy beasts of men! Does anyone else do this; when you have a few hours spare, so you just grab something to make yourself look busy like a coffee and a newspaper/book and sit yourself down in a park or something and just people watch? I make up scenarios and conversations for people in my head but that's probably because I'm slightly psychotic lol
It's a bit turbulent for me at the moment so if posts are a bit frenetic, I apologise in advance; sometimes there's not enough hours in a day you know.
Much love dudes, stay tip top xx

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