Thursday, 3 February 2011

Jealousy + Guilt + Arousal = WTF?

I neglected to tell you that Mike (the guy who I had sex with on Monday night) has a boyfriend.
VERY bad I know. I'm the homewrecker and part of me feels really bad for him! I know I'd feel like I'd been shitted on majorstyle if my boyf was cheating on me.
But part of me was turned on by the naughtiness of it all. It was all secret and naughty and forbidden, taboo, and no one can resist that. I know I sure as hell can't.
But then I got thinking about it, and I'm jealous of the bastard boyfriend. I want all the attention from Mike, not him; if he's looking elsewhere, he cleary doesn't deserve the attention.
Of course this is all conjecture and his boyfriend could be totally lovely and Christian and nice and Mike could just be a greasy irresistable love-rat.
But THEN, I started feeling guilty for Relationshippy-Guy, who I do feel this sort of connection to that extends beyond the normal friends-with-benefits thing. I feel like I'm cheating on him, when we're not in anything serious at all!
And over-arching all of these feelings, is an INSANELY strong desire to be fucked. And to do some fucking.
Basically I have no idea and will continue to have no idea until it flies along and shits itself right on my forehead. Brilliant.
Stay strong dudes, peace and love xx

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