Friday, 15 April 2011

In The Most Biblical Sense...

But who isn't?

Little Monsters will know what I'm referring to here. Gaga's new single got rush-released today.
It's basically a revisit to Bad Romance; I was expecting something more flithy and new if I'm honest, slightly disappointed. It'll be good for parties and clubs and whatever, but it's not fantastic. The lyrics are clumsy and don't flow properly and there's not much original to scream about. Verdict:- Could be worse, but it could be a million times better. 

Sorry to torment everyone who despises Ms. Gaga with this post but I felt it deserved my brilliant intellectual opinion ;)
I have nothing to report. I've been pissed out of my face for the last two nights so I've been tramping around trying to get some sleep for the past 48 hours. Crushdude has come back from his trolly-holiday so I'll get in touch with him soon and sort out this meet-up soon. Excited!
Much love dudes, hope you're all safe and well x

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